Destination Addiction- withdrawal symptoms and cure!
Most of us spent our time, sometime our whole lives, under the influence of destination addiction. Trying to get somewhere constantly- mostly a goal in future, where happiness lies. A place where we will be “complete”, ” wholesome”, and happy. This could be a job, partner, house, holiday, status or position. The obsession to attain a goal and the subsequent drive that follows, removes us from the present moment and divert our attention to the future. A future that does not exist. The only moment in time that ever exists, is the present moment, the rest is past and future.
Such is the pull of this addiction that our judgment is completely clouded. Our days are spent in a state of ” unconsciousness” — not literal but mental and spiritual. There is a list of tasks to be accomplished by the end of each day, week and month. For some it’s a rat race, for others, a hamster wheel. The beauty of the present moment is lost, the feeling of being truly alive is taken over by the anxiety about the future.
Don’t confuse working towards achieving “your true calling” with goal obsession. Your purpose in life can be fullfilled without obsession over the end result. If you are doing what you truly love you be relishing every single moment, enjoying every single day, loving the company of your loved ones, attentive towards and appreciating the little things in life feeling alive and full of energy. However if your moments are occupied by thinking about tomorrow, obsessing over holiday planning, anxiety about the next job, perceived problems in the current job, future of your children, anxiety over financial issues, thoughts of retirement, then you are suffering from destination addiction.
True gratitude for what you have, keep you grounded. It keeps you present and free to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. Gratitude over little things- the air you breathe, the heart that works tirelesslessly for you, the friend that’s always there, the warmth in the house, the single dollar bill in the pocket — anything and everything. This is very difficult to practice when adversity hits you. Do what you have to do to resolve your issues in the physical world, and if and when you can’t do anything more, be grateful and get back in the present moment.
Diabolically the less you try to chase goals and stay in the present moment the more you will achieve with true contentment and happiness.